Push Ups for Weight Loss – Everything you need to know about push ups

Performing push-ups for weight loss is essential, and I’ll explain why in this post. However, using your body weight isn’t easy when first starting out. Mainly because when you’re overweight it’s too much of a load for your muscles. Don’t worry though, we got you covered. In this post everything you need to know from beginner to advance

What is a push-up?

A push-up is a resistance-based body-weight exercise. The muscles used in a push-up are-

  • Chest
  • Shoulder
  • Back of arms (triceps)
  • Core (abdominal)

Push-ups are amazing in the sense you can keep altering them making them hard to keep challenging yourself.  In fact, push-ups are so effective elite athlete and the military use them as a foundation in any training plan

How many push-ups per day for weight loss?

This isn’t an easy question to answer. Bear in mind, doing push-ups alone won’t see much of a difference if any. However, incorporating push-ups within a solid workout routine or a good easy diet plan will yield fantastic results.

As you start you probably won’t be able to do many but as you progress you will start to see strength increase and muscle tone. Don’t forget, using strength-based exercises such as push-ups you will be getting in shape under the fat. This means when you do lose weight you will have an awe-inspiring body you’ve dreamed of.

Do push-ups make you lose belly fat?

In a sense, yes. However, doing push-ups alone won’t see much fat loss or a reduction in belly fat. The only way to lose weight is with a calorie deficit. Simply put, you need to burn more energy (calories) than you are consuming.

Push-ups will help you burn calories and build muscle. The leaner/bigger your muscles become more energy (calories), your body will burn. Thus, aiding the weight loss and belly fat reduction process.

How many calories do push-ups burn

In general, push-ups burn about seven calories per minute. I know this won’t seem a lot, but this isn’t the whole story. In fact, after you stop exercising, you have something called “after-burn.”

The after-burn effect’s scientific name is excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC for short. In basic terms, EPOC is summed up as:

  • restoring oxygen levels
  • removing lactic acid
  • repairing muscle and restoring levels of ATP (a molecule that provides the body with energy for processes like exercise)

Studies have shown after-burn can last up to 38 hours after a workout. With this in mind, the push up for weight loss is a great exercise

How to perform push-ups for weight loss

Performing push-ups for weight loss is really easy, free, and can be done anywhere with minimal space required. Below, I will show you 4 different variations of a push-up

  • Standard Push-up
  • Modified push-up
  • Wide push-up
  • Narrow push-up

Firstly, we need to work out if you can perform a standard push up. For this reason, we will start with the tutorial for the standard push-up first.

Standard push up tutorial

  1. Start in a plank position, keep your back straight and with hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Whilst keeping the back flat lower yourself down by bending the elbows. Nothing else should be moving. Lower yourself down until the chest grazes the floor.
  3. Once grazed the floor with your chest push back up through the arms and elbows to starting position

If you can’t get a minimum of five out then use the modified push up. The modified push-up makes it easier due to you removing somebody weight

Modified push-up

  1. Start in the plank position and drop your knees to the floor. Keep your back straight and hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Whilst keeping the back flat lower yourself down by bending the elbows. Nothing else should be moving. Lower yourself down until the chest grazes the floor.
  3. Once grazed the floor with your chest push back up through the arms and elbows to starting position.

You should find this method much easier. once you can do ten to fifteen comfortably swap to the standard push up.

Wide push

  1. Start in a plank position, keep your back straight and with hands Slightly further than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Whilst keeping the back flat lower yourself down by bending the elbows. Nothing else should be moving.  Lower yourself down until the chest grazes the floor.
  3. Once grazed the floor with your chest push back up through the arms and elbows to starting position.

The wide push up will focus heavily on the chest, shoulders, and core. Once you can do ren to fifteen standard push-ups comfortably move to this variation.

Narrow push up

  1. Start on the floor, keep your back straight, and with hands closer than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Whilst keeping the back flat lower yourself down by bending the elbows. Nothing else should be moving. Make sure at all times your elbows when bending are tucked into your sides. Lower yourself down until the chest grazes the floor.
  3. Once grazed the floor with your chest push back up through the arms and elbows to starting position.

The narrow push up puts most of the tension on the back of your arms. Because this is a small muscle some people find this a little harder. Give it a try and see what fits you best.

Push-ups challenge 

Let’s make it fun and progressive. This way you will build more strength providing greater weight loss and eventually a toned upper body.

Choose any variation of the push-ups mentioned above (must be challenging). This challenge is really simple. On day one you do as many push-ups as you possibly can. Keep doing push-ups until you can’t do any more to the point of failure.

Make sure you keep count as that’s your starting point. Every day for 30 days you add one more on to your day one total. Doing this you will see how quickly your strength increases.

If one day you can’t add on as you hit the point of failure then do it the day after. Do not beat yourself up over this you aren’t competing with anyone except yourself.

Closing words on push ups for weight loss

There a good reason push-ups never go out of fashion and it’s easy to see why. Quick, effective, free, and combined with other exercises and a good diet push-ups are highly effective.

Don’t worry if you can’t do a push-up start with the modified push up. Using push-ups for weight loss is a good starting place and shouldn’t be overlooked.
