Should I Lose Weight Before Building Muscle? Your Guide (2023)


Losing weight and building muscle are two distinct goals that require different approaches. While it is possible to lose weight and build muscle at the same time, it can be quite challenging.

Regardless, losing weight and building muscles will improve your health and lower the risk of numerous diseases. A healthier body composition also optimizes your mental health.

In this article, we will briefly cover the benefits of weight loss and muscle growth, then switch gears to some common questions about losing weight and building muscle mass. By the end of the article, you will be able to answer the following question – Should I lose weight before building muscle?

The benefits of losing weight

Improved health – Losing weight can lower the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a weight loss of 5-10% can significantly reduce the risk of these diseases

Increased energy and endurance – By shedding excess weight, the body becomes more efficient at using oxygen and energy, leading to increased endurance. Researchers repeatedly demonstrated that weight loss improves cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

Improved body composition – Weight loss will undoubtedly lead to a reduction in body fat percentage. As a result, your body composition will be more balanced, and your appearance improves. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study that showed a link between weight loss and improved body composition.

The benefits of building muscle

Improved physical strength and function – Building muscle will improve your strength, which enhances your physical abilities and athletic performance. A study published revealed that resistance training boosts muscle strength and hypertrophy.

Increased metabolism – Muscle tissue requires more energy to maintain compared to other organs. Consequently, your body will need more calories when you develop your muscles. This will allow you to lose weight while you sleep. According to studies, resistance training acts on energy expenditure, which shifts the equation of caloric deficit toward weight loss.

Improved appearance – This one is a no-brainer. Building your muscles will improve your appearance and give you a more toned look. Your muscles will become more defined, helping you lose more fat.

The potential drawbacks of trying to do both at the same time

The potential for muscle loss during weight loss – When trying to lose weight, there is a risk of losing muscle mass, especially if you opt for a draconian diet. A severe caloric deficit with a limited intake of amino acids will undoubtedly lead to muscle loss. Note that losing some muscle mass during your weight loss journey is inevitable.

The increased difficulty of building muscle while in a calorie deficit – Building muscle requires a calorie surplus. On the other hand, losing weight requires a calorie deficit. Finding the balance between the two can be challenging and may necessitate professional help.

Factors to consider when deciding whether to lose weight before building muscle

Current weight and body composition – If your body mass index (BMI) is above 30 or 35, you should definitely focus on weight loss before thinking of muscle growth.

Health and fitness goals – For those who only want to improve their health, weight loss should be a priority. Conversely, if your goal is to improve your appearance, you should work on both objectives. However, it is important to note that muscle growth via strength training becomes indispensable as we grow older.

Time and resources available for exercise and nutrition – To burn fat and build muscles at the same time, you will need extensive time, money, and dedication. You may also need to work with a nutritionist and personal trainer.

Should you lose weight before building muscle?

Losing weight before building muscle can be beneficial for some individuals. Studies showed that a combination of resistance training and calorie restriction can lead to significant muscle growth, even in overweight or obese individuals. To achieve this goal, make sure not to adopt an extreme diet that excludes macronutrients.

According to one study, overweight or obese men who engage in resistance training while following a calorie-restrictive diet experienced significant muscle growth and fat loss.

It is important to note that weight loss and muscle building are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously. You may want to seek the help of a personal trainer and a nutritionist to create a personalized plan that balances:

  • Energy intake and expenditure
  • Resistance training
  • Adequate protein intake

Strategies for losing weight and building muscle at the same time for men and women

Implementing a calorie deficit while lifting weights and consuming enough protein – This approach can help preserve muscle mass while losing weight. The Journal of Applied Physiology found that consuming enough protein during weight loss helps preserve muscle mass.

Using high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to maximize fat loss and muscle building – HIIT can be effective at burning fat and building muscle at the same time.

Seeking guidance from a fitness professional or nutritionist – A personal trainer can help you create a tailored fitness plan that takes into account your strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Researchers showed that guidance from a professional trainer leads to better success in achieving weight loss and muscle hypertrophy compared to those who do it solo.

Takeaway message

The answer to ‘Should I lose weight before building muscle?’ is not that straightforward. You need to consider your initial status and goals. You also need to consider whether you need professional help or not (e.g., nutritionist, personal trainer). After conducting a full analysis, you should reach a reasonable conclusion about which approach works best for you.

We hope that this article managed to highlight the different strategies you can adopt to burn fat and build muscles at the same time.
